
I wanted to contribute with some thoughts.  I am concerned about the time it took and the need for me to be proactive to get a shielding letter.  I knew I needed one, based on the UK Gov criteria but could not fill in the questionnaire as that was solely for England,  I think the lives of some disabled people could have been at risk due to the time that these letters took to be resolved, as complex cases are managed in different arenas.  In fact, my Rheumatologist didn’t realise I needed one at first because for her some of my diagnoses are not relevant to my rheumatology diagnosis.  I would be very interested to investigate the medical data of those who died and ascertain if they needed and received a shielding letter. I think there are still likely to be more people in the community who do not realise they need to shield.

I would also like to encourage the government to keep up with the lockdown.  I think when the lockdown is lifted with so many active cases in the environment, disabled people’s lives are at risk. Additionally, the time that shielded people will be more safely able to come out is lengthened. I would like to think serious consideration is given to the effect of being shielded long after ‘everyone’ else can go out and that if this was managed well and we could eradicate or have very low levels and strict tracking and quarantine were followed even shielded people could be able to go out again.

Thank you.